Barbara Barkley | Coaching
Executive Coach, Strategist and Facilitator for purpose-driven Organisations, Leaders and Entrepreneurs
Barbara Barkley, coaching, business, coach, strategy, leadership, organisational, development, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Australia
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Coaching clarifies what’s important to you and brings your vision to reality.

Coaching creates a trusted space for you to self-reflect on what it is you want and supports you to clarify your way forward. Coaching then helps you stay committed and accountable to bring your vision to reality.

Coaching can be a powerful catalyst for organisational change and leadership development. It creates that safe space and time for you to self-reflect, regroup and map out how best to deliver your organisation’s shared purpose and vision.

I coach purpose-driven leaders and entrepreneurs. 

People who want to make a positive difference in your own life, your organisation and beyond into your community.

As your Executive Coach, I support you to:

  • clarify what’s important to you and your organisation
  • prioritise your goals and set your direction
  • develop strategies to reach your destination
  • keep you focused on the horizon and
  • celebrate and acknowledge your achievements

Testimonials highlighting my coaching style are shared below.
Click on the arrows to see more testimonials.